- 邮箱:
- 广东省广州市天河区88号
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- /public/upload/system/2018/07/26/f743a52e720d8579f61650d7ca7a63a0.jpg
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- /public/upload/system/2018/07/26/fe272790a21a4d3e1e670f37534a3a7d.png
- 手机:
- 13800000000
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- 1234567890
工具达人 上传时间:2024-06-04 16:20:16
CodeGeeX是一个基于AI大模型的编程辅助工具,可以实现自动代码生成、代码翻译、自动编写注释等功能,支持20多种编程语言。CodeGeeX is an AI-based coding assistant, which can suggest code in the current or following lines. It is powered by a large-scale multilingual code generation model with 13 billion parameters, pretrained on a large code corpus of more than 20 programming languages.